
Emails will be sent to all users who have commented on the project whenever a new comment has been made. Additionally, the site administrator will receive emails when comments are made or projects are approved. You can adjust the email settings that the site administrator will receive. 

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Enter the "From" Name and "From" Email Address from whom your emails will be delivered.

Email Options

The admin will be provided the option to set the Email frequency on how soon the client's feedback is received for your website. You can choose from not sending any emails automatically to sending an email summary every 5 minutes at the most.

Reminder Emails

As the name suggests enabling this option would send reminder emails if a conversation is unresolved by the assignee.

The admin is also able to remove users from the email notification list of a project from the Edit Project page, All Projects > Your Project, found on the right side under Publish. Simply remove the user's email who would like to be removed from receiving notifications and save the project.

Global Email Settings

You can adjust ProjectHuddle's global email settings from the Edit Project page, All Projects > Your Project under My Email Notifications by following the link Global Email Settings or by visiting Users > Your Profile

Below lists the global email settings for your profile, which apply to all projects. You can opt in or opt out of each settings by ticking to unticking the box and saving by clicking " Update Profile". 

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